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  • Key Features
    1. Superior performance in high-noise environments with the industry’s widest range of frequencies in a single beacon.

    2. Scans the most-usable frequencies, selecting the best choice to avoid interference.

    3. Stronger communication between tracker and beacon at extended depths (130+ feet) for more productive bores.

    4. Intuitive user interfaces for ease of use; choose Classic View or the Marksman View.

    5. Advanced locating methods let you use your preferred method of locating.

      • Walkover Mode: Lets you pinpoint drill-head location with peak and null techniques

      • Drill-To Mode: Enhanced Drill-To range enables the drill operator to make real-time corrections further out, improving bore accuracy

    6. Extended Range Mode extends data range and provides stronger depth readings.

    7. Single toggle control, no extra buttons or triggers to get in the way.

    8. 0.1% pitch resolution for precision grade work.

    9. Dual power-mode beacon allows consistent performance across housing sizes.

    10. Integrated GPS standard (not an add-on) plus Bluetooth® compatibility with your preferred GPS device.

    11. Fast calibration, with automatic beacon-to-tracker connection, saves time and improves productivity.

    12. 2,000-foot range between the tracker and drill operator for more productivity.